

iOS Simulator Screen Shot Nov 20, 2014, 14.11.00 Go down the Rabbit Hole and see what you can find!

Explore the world beyond the entrance. Guide your animals deeper into the mystery! See how far you can get in this puzzle adventure game. Face the obstacles of clogged cells, nasty spiders, and rolling cubes of ice.

You also have to watch out for how the animals align. Get three of them in a row and ZAP! a whole row gets vaporized. Rabbit Hole combines unique game play, mazes, obstacles, and nasty baddies to give you a challenging puzzle adventure pastime. You start off with 100 coins that you can turn into 200 coins if you connect to Facebook. You’ll need those coins to get the tools you need – undo your last move, zap things in the maze, fairy ring that’ll drop something interesting into the maze, bubbles of protection, butterflies to carry your animal closer to the goal, plus five to your moves left, and a treasure box to put things you pick up in the maze into.

Rabbit Hole is one of those games where the basics are pretty simple but the challenge will keep you going!

Collect coins, share with your friends, and get the tools that you need to finish the level.

Download and install the game!

When my wife and I arrived in Canada, back from China, we were staying at my parents place. In the basement, I noticed an unopened crokinole game. We got it out to play on the dining room table.

After enjoying playing the real version, I thought the game would be fun to play with the physics of SpriteKit. Thus I wrote Krok.

Krok is available for iPhone, iPad, and OS X.

When I first started writing Krok, SpriteKit was just recently released from Apple. One of the first annoyances was that the physics between the iPhone and the iPad/OS X was different. The iPad and OS X seemed pretty close. It wasn’t so much an issue of the physics being different but it was looking different in the various device sizes. On the iPhone, the playing circle was less than 320 units  in diameter where as on the iPad, the circle was less than 768 units. A playing piece moving across the circle on the iPhone in 1 second would take over 2 seconds on the iPad.

While that really wasn’t a SpriteKit issue, correcting for it was a bit of a pain. Simply scaling the game node didn’t seem to fix the problem either. I expected that would have fixed the issue, but I still wasn’t happy with the results.

Different scales meant that the objects had different masses. Different masses meant that stuff like bouncing and dragging were different. All that would be fine for a game that would only play on one device. But I wanted people to be able to play together on different devices. My solution to that was to make the current player the host. All of the motion on the board would be controlled by the physics of the current player. The nice thing about that is that when it is my turn to shoot, the motion of the objects on the screen is controlled by my local device.

To read more about, visit my Krok page.