iOS Simulator Screen Shot Nov 13, 2014, 23.10.07HicHaxHex is a simple game where you want to remove more of the board than your opponent.

There are two ways to remove cells from the board. One way is to make a line of four of your pieces. The other way is to place your piece in a way that makes a cell unable to be part of a line of four.

At the start of the game, you pick your colour and you can choose to play against the machine or another person.

Once the game is started, each player takes turns placing their piece on the board.

iOS Simulator Screen Shot Nov 13, 2014, 23.28.01Like 五子棋 (Gomuku), you want to get a line of connected pieces but, unlike 五子棋, the game doesn’t end when the line is made. Instead, the cells are removed from the board and the player that made the line gets a point for each cell that was removed.

iOS Simulator Screen Shot Nov 13, 2014, 23.37.23
iOS Simulator Screen Shot Nov 13, 2014, 23.37.31

The other way of scoring is more subtle. In the boards to the left, you can see that by placing the white piece in the corner of the board, the two cells between that piece and the black piece can never be used in a row of four. They are then removed from the board and the white player gets a point for each of the cells.

Play continues until there are no more open cells. The winner is the player who has scored the most points.

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